Peat show- 2021


‘Peat show’ is a multimedia video performance piece. It incorporates a handmade structure, historically known as the “Box of the World”. Sarraj remembers it, from her Palestinian upbringing, as a primitive form of visual storytelling.

The box consists of three front-facing panels, each with a
personal viewpoint, from which the viewer can peer into a miniature theatre-like
domain, spying abstract, moving, panoramic paintings.

The pigment used in composing the artwork has been extracted from peat. It is essentially ground up turf. Turf is a readily available, yet highly exploited
nonrenewable source of fuel in Ireland.

The use of turf pigment within the handmade box represents a dual relationship
between nature and technology, time and space, history and tradition. The
intimate form of the vessel reflects what can be kept, seen or unseen from a
personal collective memory.
The piece questions, is it possible to view something in the absence of screen-
based media anymore?

Who put that here?

A video art experiment about misplaced objects- 2020

music piece by Donnacha O’Malley

Behind the Cracks

Last year the experts at Moscow’s Tretyakov Gallery did an x-ray test on Malevisch’s Black Square. The tests proved that there was another layer behind the black paint. This back layer was of a cubo-futurist style painting. This work is an attempt at revealing that there is in fact an image behind the image of destruction.

101 The last exhibition, Gothe Institut, Ramallah, Palestine 2016


Al Mahata Gallery 2016

Practicing voids is an experimental collaboration between a Ramallah based curator and the students of the International Art Academy, Palestine. Based on a very common pedagogical model, the artists/students are invited to loosely copy exhibitions after discussing them. 
Practicing void is loosely based on an exhibition titled ‘Voids: a Retrospective’ which took place at the Centre Pompidou in 2009. It is an adaptation of Voids. The artists re-interpret the exhibition and the art works presented sculpting copies and non-copies into the void.
How does one copy an exhibition of nothing? What is an exhibition to start with
How does one make an immaterial art work?
What is a void?
What is a void and the notion of emptiness in relation to here/our local?
What is it to be a practicing artist?

The exhibition is curated by L.K and the Committee. The exhibition is unfunded. The exhibition is the result of collaborative labor of the students/artists and the curator/tutor. The exhibition will last only for one evening (the opening)



I Took The Bird House

For the ongoing statelessness,

I move,

For the exiled child,

I cry,

For a family reunion, 

I wait


A performance video,

at the octagonal shell tea house,
Co. Kildare

My Neighbour Tommy

A short documentary of Tommy Doran singing in his own car filmed in 2019

© All image and text is copyright of the artist, Tuqa Al- Sarraj, 2021.